A Toasty VC Climate for Internet Entrepreneurs

23 October 2006

"We're just as interested in Internet firms today as we were in the late 1990s," General Catalyst Principal Neil Sequeira told the E-Commerce Times. "One of the biggest differences between then and now is the cost of launching a business today is more capital-efficient. It doesn't take as much money to launch today."

Internet start-ups seeking venture capital support may be in luck, as a second coming of sorts seems to be in full swing for Web-based technology firms, which enjoyed a seemingly endless supply of cash during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s.

In September alone, General Catalyst Partners invested US$12 million in QuickPlay Media, Benchmark Capital sunk $20 million into VoIP provider Rebtel Networks, and a trio of VCs tossed $10 million at Nexaweb. Those are just a few of many, similar deals.

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