09 November 2007
There are a few major reasons that businesses use Facebook insteadof many of the other online social networking sites that are out there.One is that there are such a vast number of people on Facebook that itis an excellent platform for social networking. Another is thatFacebook has gained some credibility over the years for professionaluse as opposed to many of the other social networking sites whichremain more for kids than adults. But one of the biggest reasons thatbusiness professionals use Facebook as their primary social networkingtool is that it offers users so many different applications to improve their business practices.
Unfortunately, VoIP is not yet one of those applications.
Well, thats not entirely true. There are applications available forFacebook which include some aspects of VoIP technology. However, as wasrecently pointed out in an overview of those applications by VoIP News, there is no official VoIP application for Facebook professionals to utilize.