Carriers Turning to VOIP Peering

14 August 2007

As network operators increasingly move to all-IP
networks, voice over IP (VOIP) peering is emerging as a way for them to
connect calls without using the public switched telephone network
(PSTN), according to a new report from Light Reading's VOIP Services Insider.

VOIP peering was designed to eliminate VOIP "islands" by creating
a place where service providers can interconnect their VOIP networks
without ever traversing the PSTN.

The adoption of peering will result in reduced costs from lower
interconnection fees and improved quality of service (QOS) for VOIP
calls due to the elimination of translations that happen when IP calls
pass through the PSTN, notes Denise Culver, research analyst with Light Reading's VOIP Services Insider, and author of the report.

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